Saturday, May 14, 2011

Trip to Connecticut

thumb break

crawling through the tall grass

reaching to put the ball on the tee

playing outfield with Grandpa

Grandpa pitching

At bat

Loving the train museum

With Russ off to school again, the boys and I headed up to beautiful Connecticut to spend the week with Mimi and Grandpa. I flew with the boys alone and then traveled in the backseat of my parents car with them back to Richmond and everyone was on their best behavior, including myself. The weather could not have been more beautiful this week, and it was very nice to spend some time at home before my parents move this summer. The boys enjoyed the quality time with their grandparents, and I really enjoyed the extra pair of hands. Grandpa and I took Drew to the train museum and he eventually loved getting on the extra cars in the yard. With the weather being so nice, we played a LOT of tee ball outside. Rhys was not one to be left out and kept grabbing a ball and inchworming his way through the tall grass to make it to the tee. He really started getting on all fours and pulling up at their house and then just made him self at home, getting into everything. Drew enjoyed playing as if he was leaving the house, stating that he was going to Sprout Online Dot Com. Do you think he watched enough tv this week?

The above pics will have to serve as days 1 through 7 of this stint:)